2 May 2009

My Beautiful Happy List...

1. At home surrounded by relaxed romantic freshness
2. Sipping several cups of green tea + stem ginger oats biscuits {is that two?}
3. Colourful journals on my desk
4. Loving memories of our wedding and families Beautifully framed around the home
5. Silk beddings
6. Long walks in the woods
7. Saturdays sleep-ins
8. Lists...playlists of my fav music, and endless to-do lists
9. Books, books, and some mags + learning to speed read
10. Home-made spas

Please feel free to share your lists, would be delighted to know.

More happy lists on .V's

Image from Pia


  1. saturday sleep-ins are the best! actually sunday sleep-ins are the best too!

  2. Lovely, Friday nights out equals Sat sleep-ins!

  3. I like this list...
    Smiles. : )

  4. Thank you Marissa.
    Loads of smiles to you too!


Go on make my day with your Beautiful comment...Thank you.